Album Review: Band of Skulls – Himalayan

5 years on from debut album is when some band starts to fracture (if they’re shit) or start experimenting (if they’re shit), but very few manage to keep the same style half a decade on. And this is what makes Band of Skulls latest offering ‘Himalayan’ such a fascinating prospect, it’s almost identical to their earlier work, but more mature, meatier and well, better. I know how strange and confusing that must sound, but it’s true.

The Southampton trio released their third album ‘Himalayan’ today and it’s a tearing ride around the base, up the side, to the summit of the mountain and then does it 11 more times. The love child of mid 00’s swampy guitar bands like Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and Wolfmother and Blues Rock groups like The White Stripes and The Black Keys, Band of Skulls have managed to carve out their own identity fairly easily, and rightly so because it feels like their first two albums were the build up to the lift off that is so triumphant on ‘Himalayan’.

Opening with ‘Asleep at The Wheel’ fosters a sticky and hypnotic guitar riff that Black Sabbath would be proud of rumbling to the point where lead singer Russell Marsden and backing vocalist Emma Richardson let us know “where we are going is anyone’s guess” but their trajectory is pretty clear, predictable but wildly entertaining.

The first half of the record follows suit with stuttering swampy riff that engulfs title track ‘Himalayan’, the delightfully glam-rocked tinged ‘Hoochie Coochie’ and the strutting beat and melody of ‘Brothers and Sisters’. Like an ice cold alcoholic beverage (you choose) at the end of the day, a bit of respite from ‘Cold Sweat’ is a great opportunity for Richardson to show off her gorgeous and velvety vocals which are wrongfully hidden far too much.

‘Nightmares’ however is the most ambitious track on the collection with a fairly U2 sized riff and soaring chorus, but it works, mainly due to the twisting melody, one that is fairly similar to ‘Bruises’ off their sophomore album ‘Sweet Sour’. At points it does feel a bit too similar to other artists work as ‘I Guess I Know You Fairly Well’ treads similar ground that The Black Keys have beaten down on their latest work but it explodes with a gigantic riff that is hard to ignore.

‘I Feel Like Ten Men, Nine Dead and One Dying’ is another massive track with another pure headbanging riff that would appease even the heaviest of rock fans. ‘Toreador’ is the albums funkiest affair and has the potential to be a surefire dance floor filler with a jittery, hip shaking guitar and bassline with a marching rhythm that is seductively brilliant.

The final two tracks annoyingly, are more of a whimper than a big blowout but ‘Heaven’s Key’ and ‘Get Yourself Together’ are two interesting tracks that mix up the vibe enough that the stomping tunes that arrive before hand are even more fun and keeps the slower tracks engaging enough through to the very last track.

Listening to this album is quietly similar to the giant leaps into the mainstream Biffy Clyro started making on ‘Puzzle’ and then carried on ever since, and it’s fair to say that Band of Skulls can keep that path going if the quality of material carries on being this high.

Most importantly ‘Himalayan’ isn’t just the band rehashing old material and hoping for the best, it’s taking the logical step of refining, re-tuning and re-imagining what they initially set up to do 5 years ago on ‘Baby Darling Doll Face Honey’. The vivid, colorful and straight up exciting path Band of Skulls explore on ‘Himalayan’ is sure to propel them the top of the mountain and the pack.


Key Tracks: Hoochie Coochie, Brothers and Sisters and Asleep at The Wheel.

You can stream the album below or buy the album from their website here.

Alright Alright Alright! What I liked and didn’t like about the 2014 Oscars

There isn’t much that can make me stay up beyond 12 o’clock out of choice. Sports and alcohol is about it. But now I can add, the Oscars to that list. This year was my first at watching it live and I thoroughly enjoyed it (even if I nearly slipped into a sugar induced coma). So similar to what I did last week with the Brits, I’m just going to spout some absolute nonsense for just over 900 words that I thought of whilst watching the show, because hey, it’s what I do best. Let’s start from the top then shall we?

1) The Host
After last years train wreck by Seth McFarlane (Family Guy, Ted), the Academy clearly felt under pressure to get someone more reserved, less of a wild card and probably more popular. Ellen DeGeneres hasn’t ripped into Hollywood as much as McFarlane had in the past so it seemed to all set up perfectly for a “pleasant” award ceremony. And actually, she was quite good. Inoffensive, witty, great rapport with the stars, I think they did a good job this year.

2) Her getting a nod
The man who helps make Jackass has won an Oscar. A man who dressed up as a naked old lady on the streets is an Academy Award winner. That will baffle me until the end of time. But of course, the man I’m talking about Spike Jonze more than deserved this award. Her was stunningly honest and open about human relationships even if Joaquin Phoenix loved a computer. It was all part of the charm left behind by Her. It’s a truly magical piece of screen writing and the wonderful score by Arcade Fire, the brilliant production and incredible acting really struck a chord with the voters and with the public.

3) 12 Years a Slave winning
I almost was a bit nervous for this film and it’s chances of NOT winning. 12 Years a Slave is one of the most incredible pieces of cinema I’ve ever seen. Similar in the vein of Schindler’s List, it is going to be a must watch film of the last 25 years. The directing by Steve McQueen, complemented by the unbelievable acting by Chiwetel Ejiofor, Best Supporting Actress Lupita Nyong’o and Michael Fassbender, 12 Years a Slave was the runaway winner for me and the voters. However the momentum Gravity was picking up on the evening frightened me and with the lurking “I’m too good for this film” whispers starting to crop up online from critics, I would have been eternally sad if this film was not rewarded with Best Picture. 

4) Matthew McConuaghey grabbing Best Actor
Alright alright alright. Have we ever seen a bigger turn around in the last 2 years from an Actor than Matthew McConaughey? Starting in 2011 with Killer Joe and culminating with this award for Dallas Buyers Club, it’s shocking to think this is the same person who starred in Sahara and the godawful Fools Gold. His performance in Dallas Buyers Club is superb, moving, funny in places, just everything you need from a lead performer in a film like this. The whole category was loaded and although the internet is baying for blood because Leo did not win, McConaughey was the clear winner out of this group.

5) This photo
I mean how can you not love this photo?


Although personally, I prefer this one


What I didn’t like

1) Gravity winning Best Cinematography
I know everyone seems to think that Gravity is a pioneering film yada yada yada, but how can a film made from VFX win a cinematography?! I am absolutely baffled that it won Best Editing and Sound too over Rush, that just amazes me.

2) The tributes
Man, tributes at award shows never get easier, especially when we’ve lost so many great actors this past year. Remembering that James Gandolfini was no longer with us was so incredibly upsetting, especially considering he paved the way for nearly every single television show we see right now. The tragic death of Phillip Seymour Hoffman who was always excellent in every single film was not easy to see and Paul Walker, known for Fast & Furious (my guilty pleasures) who died in a car accident got some recognition, even though his films were never Oscar worthy, was good to see .


3) Inside Lleweyn Davis and Rush snubbed
Seeing Inside Llewyn Davis win absolutely nothing was so disappointing, it was my pick for the Cinematography Award (robbed I tell you!!) and could very well have gathered a Directors nomination too, so all in all, incredibly disappointing. Rush was one of the best Sports films I’ve ever seen and it’s sound, VFX and camera work was unfairly ignored in favour of Gravity (still angry about it)

4) Constant Twitter references
Samsung must have paid $512820028 BILLION dollars to have it’s phone shoved in our face every 10 seconds. Asking for retweets, mentions whatever just made me cringe. What happened to an Award Ceremony that didn’t try and shove Social Media down your neck for the whole show? (see Brits 2014). But…it did give one of my favorite moments of the night, THAT selfie, so I’m torn.

5) #PoorLeo
We all love Leonardo DiCaprio. We all loved The Wolf of Wall Street. But he was never going to win a Best Actor award for the most self indulgent character I think I’ve ever seen. He was good, very good even, but Matthew McConaughey, Chiwetel Ejiofor and heck even Christian Bale were far superior this year, better luck next time Leo. Not that he needs awards, he drunk/snorted his problems away and ended up in the Ukraine, now that is news! (That is not true, but the picture is convincing)


My Big Fat Brits Rant

In what now has become a somewhat yearly tradition, ranting, making jokes and just generally poking holes in “Britain’s biggest night in music” has become one of my favourite things to do. I don’t even know why it is that way. I used to hate the Brit Awards as I went through my alternative “chart music is crap” phase (I cringe in retrospect but in some ways I stand by some of my points), but year on year, I’ve become more and more interested and dare I say it…entertained by them. So my enthusiasm and excitement for this event was at an all time high and boy, did I get a lot of talking points.

Well, let’s get this show on the road, I present to you, my Brits 2014 review (contains swearing, lewd comments, drug references and more sarcasm than you can shake a stick at)

The Host
If you love tacky, cringe inducing, over enthusiastic hosts, James Corden is the man for you! It’s finally his last year hosting the event and this year had to be one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Setting his “arm on fire”, wearing Pharrell’s questionable hat, swearing at 9:01pm for the sake of being able to swear, kissing Nick Grimshaw and taking a selfie with Prince, it was a bad year. Him kissing Nick Grimshaw on stage (who is gunning to be years host) was such a bad attempt at being controversial that no one actually cared about it. Every joke was met with a wall of silence (or so it seemed) from the crowd. My solution, get Jimmy Carr to host and lash out actual controversy and harsh jokes to everyone in the room, it’d be so much more fun.


The Performances
It was actually a weird night for performances, there have been some great ones over the years like Florence & Dizzee and there have been some bad ones like Mumford & Sons a few years back, but last night felt so…meh. Arctic Monkeys opened the show and their live sound doesn’t translate well over television which was really disappointing. Katy Perry did pretty much everything else but sing and Bruno Mars sounded exactly like he did on record.


Beyoncé absolutely killed it with her first live performance of “XO”, I’ve never been truly into the hype surronding her, but last night she really won me over and proved that she is the biggest music star on the planet right now for good reasons. The Bastille/Rudimental mash up was okay…except when the lead singer of Bastille (Dan Smith) exhibited some of the worst dancing since Taylor Swift at the Grammys.

Disclosure’s and Lorde’s performance was pretty nice as they did a cool mash up of her hit “Royals” which led into “White Noise” with AlunaGeorge, but would of been nice to see Lorde sing one of Disclosure’s tracks, but I’m just picky. All in all, a strange set of performances for me.

Brits actually did a fairly good job of securing some big name stars to come sit in and present which included Prince, Noel Gallagher, Kylie Minogue, Nicole Scherzinger (that woman has no musical talent apart from she can sing, she has released some of the most consistently bad music I’ve ever heard) and footballer Cesc Fabregas who looked like he had just shit his pants on the way up and a host of others.

Biggest talking point had to Kate Moss (Bowie’s representative on Earth according Noel) coming up in ONE OF HIS OUTFITS to collect HIS AWARD, it almost made the whole night worth watching. He pleaded Scotland to “stay with us” and claimed to be honored to win a Brit (he doesn’t really care, I mean it’s Bowie, he doesn’t need Brits) and somehow owned the night without being there. Now that is what I call a true superstar.

Source: Red Carpet Fashion Awards

Source: Red Carpet Fashion Awards

Oh and we had James Corden having to awkwardly accept Harry Styles’ (One Dir…you know) excuse of “going for a wee” instead of the honest answer of…I’ll let you take a guess but I think it involved some (a lot) of this.

Finally made it to what the whole night was actually about. Arctic Monkeys did surprisingly well considering they were up against 1D for Best Group and Bowie for Best Album coming out of the night with 2 Brits and an excruciatingly questionable acceptance speech which probably also involved lots of this as well.

One Direction got their annual Global Success Award which as I put it last night is “We have to give them something don’t we?” (weird thing: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley had an envelope to announce the winner when they were the only nominees, huh?) and the now redundant Best Video category that now means “Whoever has the most dedicated fans” as it was decided by Twitter votes (sigh).

Disclosure were robbed in broad daylight for British Breakthrough by Bastille, who might just rival The 1975 for the worst band in Britain at the moment. It was outrageous considering how bland and soulless Bastille’s music is and how exciting and important Disclosure have been to the British dance scene this last year.

Bowie, Bruno Mars and Ellie Goulding all picked up solo award acts, that included Lorde winning International Female which came right out of leftfield, but I’m really happy to see someone who isn’t Gaga or Katy Perry win that award. Daft Punk round out the winners for Best International Group in which I would of been happy to see any one of Haim, Arcade Fire or Kings of Leon win in what was a fairly mundane award winners. Aside from Bastille beating Disclosure, I’m still fuming about that.

Overall it was fun year. It felt a bit messy in parts and with so many performances from (non British performers, which I will never understand) but was round out by a brilliant performance by this years “Rent-An-Act” Pharrell Williams and Nile Rodgers (I’ll let them off because Nile Rodgers is Nile Rodgers) play a great medley of old and new tracks from their genre spanning careers.

I can’t believe I’ve managed to keep this just over 1000 words, if you made it this far, well done! But believe me I had much more to say so next year I may make it a 10,000 word dissertation, aren’t you lucky.

Grammys 2014: What I liked and what I didn’t like

On Sunday night the Staples Center in Los Angeles held the 56th Grammy Awards, a celebration of music of all genres in which several stars like Daft Punk, Lorde and Vampire Weekend scooped the top prizes. Here are 3 things I liked and didn’t like.

1) Daft Punk’s performance
The french robots gave their first live performance in the US since their appearance at the 2008 Grammys and showcased their summer hit Get Lucky and won 5 awards which included Album of the Year and Record of the Year for Get Lucky. But their performance was just out of this world, donning white suits, the stage had no shortage of stars as Pharrell, Nile Rodgers and Stevie Wonder joined in on the fun which featured samples from Harder Better Faster Stronger and Around the World. The whole band managed to make the track good enough that we can hope for a tour soon, can’t we?!?!?

2) Imagine Dragons and Kendrick Lamar performance
This was just as unbelievable as the performance above. This has to be the best thing about the Grammys. Getting brilliant artists in the same room and letting them perform (or not in the case of Queens of The Stone Age, more on that in a bit). Lamar had a great flow and was arguably robbed for Best Rap album by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis (even he admitted so) and Imagine Dragons had this Arcade Fire “too many people on stage” kind of vibe, but obviously not as good. Only downside was having to watch Taylor Swift trying to dance.

3) Watching Taylor Swift lose
I don’t really care that she lost, it’s the reaction her and her producers when they thought her album Red had won Best Album when in fact it was Random Access Memories. For a brief second you could see her entire entourage lose their shit when they heard RRRRRR but it turned out to be RRRRRandom Access Memories by Daft Punk, it was absolutely hilarious. Watch the guy in the red tie, he was so close to saying fuck before they cut away…GRAMMY AND GIF GOLD.












What I didn’t like

1) The Grammys are soooooooooooooo long
Like too long. There is just so many awards that basically sound like the same thing. in the Pop category alone there was a Best Pop Solo, Best Pop Duet/Group, Best Pop Vocal Album, Best Pop Instrumental, Best Pop Vocal Album and Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album. If you can differentiate the difference between a Traditional Pop Vocal Album and Best Pop Vocal Album, I think you deserve the award. Then there was Best Record of the Year and Best Song of the Year….I’M SO CONFUSED. For all I know, I could have been nominated for a Grammy considering the amount of awards and nominations.

2) Imagine Dragons is rock music…apparently
Imagine Dragons is rock music. Imagine Dragons is rock music. Imagine Dragons is rock music. The more I say it the less it makes sense…not only that, but it won! Radioactive beat Jack White’s I’m Shaking, Bowie’s The Stars (Are Out Tonight) and My God is the Sun by Queens of the Stone Age…yeah Imagine Dragons doing rock music proud…or not.

3) CBS doesn’t care about musicians
This isn’t the first time an Award show has cut off a legendary moment (Adele sweeping the Brits then being ushered off stage mid speech) as Queens of the Stone Age performance with Dave Grohl and Trent Reznor was deemed not as important as the local news. Could they not wait 60 more seconds? Reznor was understandably upset as he gave the organizers a piece of his mind, but can we nip this in the bud and let the musicians at a music awards ceremony play music? call me crazy but I think most people are with me on this one.

Track of the Day: The Family Rain – Feel Better (Frank)

The Bath lads have done it again! Their latest single and video ‘Feel Better (Frank)’ hit the shelves last week with the official video online now. The Walter brothers (Timothy, Ollie and William) have also given us a date for their debut album, ‘Under The Volcano’, which will feature previous singles like ‘Reason To Die’, ‘Pushing It’ and ‘Trust Me…I’m A Genius’, will be released on 4th February 2014.

Signed to Virgin EMI, the brothers are going to make a huge splash next year after relentless touring with stars like Jake Bugg, Miles Kane and The Courteeners, and are due to head out on their own headline tour this month, which was mentioned previously in my Unmissable Winter Tours post here.

The new video features some Day-Glo pills, what looked like a dementor in a tunnel and the boys getting covered in fluorescent vomit. Honestly it’s not as weird as it sounds! Check out the video below. The track is a loud, brash and brilliant example of how good the band can be with pounding drums, Will’s soaring vocals and atmospheric solo to finish things off.

You can buy new track ‘Feel Better (Frank)’ right here and their tour dates, which includes a show at London’s Heaven can be viewed here.